Cross-movement activists stand with the Tibetan community

We are a coalition of cross-movement activists and supporters writing in solidarity with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan community around the world.

The past week has been painful to many of us, as we continue to see our Tibetan friends retraumatized collectively over gross misrepresentation of the Dalai Lama’s actions with no regard for the Tibetan cultural context, nor the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s manipulation of false narratives surrounding the situation.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has dedicated his entire life to the alleviation of suffering and the teaching of understanding and compassion for the betterment of all humanity. His 87 years of selfless public and spiritual service demonstrates his unwavering dedication to not just the Tibetan people or the Buddhist communities but to all of humanity as a whole.

We continue to stand in solidarity with the Tibetan community and fight for their deserved freedoms with compassion.

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